How To Recognize 5 Early Signs of Prostate Cancer
5 Early Signs of Prostate Cancer: The Role of Testosterone
Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone: A visual guide to understanding the warning signs of prostate cancer and exploring holistic approaches to support prostate health.
Prostate cancer is a common and treatable condition, with an estimated 268,490 new cases in the US in 2022. Recognizing the early signs of prostate cancer can lead to timely treatment and prevent severe symptoms.
The early warning signs include changes in urination and erectile function. These changes can be due to the prostate gland’s influence on urine production and sexual function. Most symptoms don’t develop until the cancer affects the urethra, leading to a sudden need to urinate and leaky urine.
Erectile dysfunction (ED), a common side effect of prostate cancer treatment, can also signal the presence of this disease. ED can occur because some treatments decrease testosterone levels and affect the blood vessels or nerves necessary for an erection.
Understanding these signs and seeking medical advice when they appear is crucial. Meanwhile, exploring natural ways to boost testosterone could potentially support prostate health and overall well-being.
There’s no reason to suffer and go through side effects of progression and that type of thing when, really, these things are generally very well-treated and with very little side effect, says Dr. Tollefson, Mayo Clinic.
Sign 1 – Changes in Urination: An Early Indicator of Prostate Cancer
The prostate gland, located below the bladder, in front of the rectum, and around the urethra, produces and stores part of your urine. It also helps control your sexual function, producing the sperm that travels to the penis.
In most men with prostate cancer, no symptoms develop until the cancer presses on the tube you urinate through (the urethra). When this happens, you’ll notice a sudden need to pee and leaky urine before you get to the toilet.
Other changes in urination, including having a frequent urge to urinate in the middle of the night, can also signal early signs of prostate cancer. If you have any of these symptoms, call your doctor to get tested for prostate cancer.
Sign 2 – Erectile Dysfunction: A Common Side Effect of Prostate Cancer Treatment
One of the most common side effects of prostate cancer treatment is erectile dysfunction (ED). This can make it difficult for men to have sex or keep an erection.
ED can happen during treatment because some prostate cancer treatments decrease your body’s testosterone. They can also affect the blood vessels or nerves that let you have an erection.
If a man has problems with an erection during treatment, this can feel like a loss of how he used to have sex. It may be hard to understand why, but he should talk to his doctor or healthcare team about these feelings. He may also want to talk to a counselor about them. Counseling can help you manage the changes in your sex life that are sometimes a result of prostate cancer treatment.
A non-cancerous condition, called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), can also cause urinary problems. BPH can be treated with medicines, X-rays, or surgery.
Prostate supplements will not cure cancer, but they can be effective at relieving some of the symptoms of BPH.
Sign 3 – Pain in the Scrotum or Pelvis
Pain in the scrotum or pelvis is often one of the early signs of prostate cancer. It may be caused by the cancer blocking a tube called the urethra that carries urine from your bladder to your penis. One of the other prostate cancer symptoms is back pain which can not otherwise be explained.
In some cases, if the cancer has spread to your lymph nodes, the area may swell. This is called lymphedema.
A doctor can use a digital rectal exam to get a feel for the prostate, and if there is swelling in the scrotum or pelvis, your doctor may do a biopsy to check for cancer.
Men who have a family history of prostate cancer or other risk factors run a greater risk of developing the disease. The good news is that prostate cancer is very treatable if diagnosed at an early stage.
Sign 4 – Changes in the Bladder
One of the early signs that a man may have prostate cancer is a change in his bladder habits. This can include a decrease in the flow of urine, which is sometimes called dribbling or weak urine.
In the case of prostate cancer, the enlargement of the prostate gland presses against the urethra and causes a decreased flow or dribble of urine. If you notice this symptom, talk with your doctor.
Sign 5 – Changes in Body Weight
Early-stage prostate cancer doesn’t cause symptoms, but there are some changes that you can look for. If you notice an unintended change in your body weight, it’s important to talk with your doctor.
Men with prostate cancer may lose weight quickly or experience unexplained thinning of the skin and bones. They might also notice a bloating feeling or a change in their bowel habits.
Get a Screening Test if You Are Over 50
The most common way to detect prostate cancer is through screening tests. These include blood tests to measure PSA levels and a rectal exam.
An Essential Guide To Choosing The Best Prostate Supplement (
The American Cancer Society (ACS) recommends that men over 50 who are at average risk should have a chance to make an informed decision with their healthcare provider about whether to be screened for prostate cancer. They should also be aware of diet and nutrition tips to optimize prostate health.
If a biopsy shows prostate cancer, a pathologist will give the sample a Gleason score, which describes how likely it is that the tumor will spread (metastasize). A low Gleason score means there’s no cancer. A high Gleason score means there’s a lot of cancer.