Conquer Stage Fright: TED Talk Public Speaking Anxiety

TED Talk Public Speaking Anxiety

Public speaking can be intimidating for any speaker, but it’s especially challenging for those suffering from public speaking anxiety, commonly known as communication apprehension.

Thankfully, many TED speakers have overcome their fear of public speaking to become successful orators. So, in the spirit of TED, here are their top tips worth spreading for conquering this common phobia. If you need fast help for an upcoming presentation, then go straight to the source for the people who can improve your public speaking skills in the shortest time possible.

Angela Ceberano

Angela Ceberano describes how she embarked on her own 'fear project' to combat this internal battle against anxiety of public speaking.Angela Ceberano, a PR professional, shares her story of dealing with public speaking anxiety in this humorous presentation. She describes how she embarked on her own ‘fear project’ to combat this internal battle against fear.

One of the biggest changes she has made to reduce her anxiety levels is taking on her fears as a warrior instead of worrying. Additionally, she uses fear as motivation to push herself further and reach for success.

I included this TED Talk in our list of the Best TED Talks for Kids because it serves as a timely reminder that grit and perseverance are important qualities, especially for young people who may not know what their future holds yet. Watch it together with your children and discuss it afterward to help them make better choices throughout life. YouTube Video

Olympia LePoint

TED talk public speaking anxiety affects rocket scientists too. Olympia LePointe outlines her three-step neuroscience process for reprogramming the brain to overcome fearOlympia LePoint, CSUN alumna and rocket scientist shares her inspiring personal story to demonstrate how we can turn off fear when we want to while rebuilding the frontal brain lobes to achieve great things. She outlines her three-step neuroscience process for reprogramming the brain to overcome fear based on her book Mathaphobia: Overcome Your Math Fears and Become a Rocket Scientist, which details this three-step neuroscience reprogramming plan.

Her TED talk has been viewed by more than 1 Million internet viewers worldwide, and she also hosts the “Answers Unleashed” podcast and Impact Theory. YouTube Video

Emily Muller

Emily Muller overcame her anxiety of public speaking with a "gradual exposure" strategy.Public speaking is an indispensable skill that can propel you to the top of your field. However, even experienced speakers find public speaking challenging – even if they’ve done it many times before!

Many people can trace their public speaking fear back to a traumatic event. That ‘bad’ event becomes encoded into the amygdala – that part of our brain that registers fear.

Thankfully, there’s a proven method for conquering your fear. It’s called ‘gradual exposure’ – an ongoing series of positive experiences that builds confidence and helps you conquer your phobia. YouTube Video

Leonard Kim

Leonard Kim relies on thorough preparation to manage his fear of speaking in public.If you’re experiencing public speaking anxiety, there are a few steps you can take to enhance your performance. First and foremost, ensure you’re completely prepared for your next presentation by creating an organized script or outline. This will ensure that there’s nothing unnecessary during the speech. YouTube Video

If this still does not help alleviate your fear, consider seeking professional treatment from a therapist or mental health specialist. They can identify the source of your symptoms and create a personalized treatment plan tailored to suit your individual needs.

Joe Kowan

Jow Kowan wrote a song about fear of public speaking and then sang it to himself before every presentation.In this TED talk, folk singer Joe Kowan shares his journey to conquer stage fright. He outlines an effective strategy he used to conquer his fear of public speaking.

He used music to write a song about his experience with stage fright, which he sang every time he performed. It was hilarious and helped him feel less nervous onstage.

Joe’s story serves as a reminder that it’s possible to conquer stage fright, and finding what works for you is key. Even if the advice doesn’t work for everyone, finding your own strategy that works is important. No matter what works best, finding what works is an encouraging thought; finding what works is key! YouTube Video

Megan Washington

megan washingtonMegan Washington, an Australian singer-songwriter, shares her struggle with public speaking anxiety. Despite having a severe stutter since childhood, she credits music with helping her conquer this obstacle and gaining the courage to perform for audiences. YouTube.

This TED Talk is ideal for students to watch and discuss, as it provides practical tips from experienced presenters about making an effective presentation. It includes body language best practices, scientific advice, and creative thinking pointers that students can apply.

Celeste Headlee

celeste headleeTED talk public speaking anxiety is a problem experienced by millions of people around the world. It often stems from our desire to impress and impose our views without engaging in meaningful dialogue. Celeste Headlee practices her presentations in front of a mirror to gain confidence and overcome anxiety.

Thankfully, there are ways to overcome this and communicate more confidently and effectively. One of the best strategies you can try is practicing in front of a mirror.

Controlling the tone of your voice, hand gestures, facial expressions, and words used can help you maintain control over them. Furthermore, it will boost confidence levels when delivering a speech. YouTube Video

People Also Ask

Why do we fear public speaking so much?

Fear of public speaking is a common phenomenon, and it can be due to a variety of factors. One of the main reasons people fear public speaking is the potential for embarrassment or criticism. When we are exposed to an audience, it can be difficult to control our emotions, and we may worry about saying something wrong or making a mistake. Another reason why people fear public speaking is that they may not feel confident in communicating their ideas or effectively engaging with the audience clearly. Lastly, many people fear public speaking because they worry about being judged by others or being seen as inadequate.

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Regardless of the source of your fear, it is important to remember that there are strategies that you can use to help manage your anxiety and improve your public speaking skills. Taking time to prepare and practice your presentation beforehand, setting realistic expectations for yourself, and utilizing breathing exercises and visualization techniques are just some ways to tackle your fear of public speaking.

How much do TEDx speakers get paid?

TEDx speakers do not usually receive financial compensation for speaking at TEDx events. Instead, they are often offered the opportunity to reach a large and engaged audience and gain recognition and exposure in the TED community. Some TEDx organizers may provide travel reimbursements or other forms of support for their speakers, but this is not standard practice. Although there is no financial reward for speaking at a TEDx event, many speakers have reported that it was a valuable experience that helped them to further their career goals.

How do I get over my fear of public speaking?

Public speaking can be a daunting experience, but there are several strategies you can use to help reduce your fear and build your confidence before you give a speech. First, it’s important to recognize that fear is natural and common and everyone experiences some degree of anxiety when speaking in front of a crowd. Once you recognize this fact, accepting and working through the fear can be easier.

One way to overcome your fear of public speaking is to practice regularly. Start by giving short speeches or presentations in front of friends or family members, then gradually build up to bigger audiences. As you practice more often, you’ll gain confidence in your ability to deliver a successful speech, and your fear will start to dissipate.

Additionally, it can help to prepare thoroughly for the speech by researching the topic thoroughly and writing out the entire speech beforehand. Knowing your material inside-out will give you an added sense of security and make staying focused during the presentation easier. Finally, take deep breaths before starting the speech, and remember that everyone in the room is rooting for you – they’re just as eager as you are for the presentation to go well!

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