
Peter Amaral, aka Mauricio Boston (the brand), is a digital writer, reader, researcher, and curator of the immeasurable. He’s worked on ” Over 40″ nearly twice now and has picked up a few tips over the years on what men must do to thrive in health, wealth, and relationships with family and friends.

For a backgrounder, Maurcio had 12 years of Catholic school education, when that meant something, and 7 years of college and graduate school. Only to learn, alas, much later, that formal education is truly wasted on the young.

He served as a U.S. Army combat engineer platoon leader in long ago, far away war. Before earning his professional degree and working a law career, he worked in film production, sales, and marketing, and also did some bartending, along with a stint as an iron worker.

He’s happily married to the same woman for longer than most of the people who will read this have been alive. He has three exceptional daughters and a parcel of grandchildren.

Mauricio is a curator of the imaginable. He is not a physician, but he has experience with prostate cancer and can speak intelligently with his cardiologist. With whom he disagrees on the supposed effects of red meat, by the way. He’s not a psychologist or clinician either, but his BS scanners are finely tuned to detect the statistical sleight-of-hand and the logical fallacy.

Mauricio writes for men over 40 because men in their teens, 20s, and 30s already know everything, and they don’t give a hoot about what he has to say about anything. He writes for other men because males are genetically incapable of understanding women, and whatever they have to say to them will be wrong. Failure to understand that simple, universal truth will always result in embarrassment or some other unfortunate circumstance.

You can reach me at mauricioboston@yahoo.com.